Thursday, January 19, 2012

Something To Think About


  1. How would you define a lady? What characterizes her? I believe that part of the problem these days, is each girl has a misconstrued view on femininity, therefore, there are many unladylike females.

  2. I totally agree with you on that Love! Girls these days tend to think being a lady is simply a certain outward appearance, or having good "manners"... merely lifting a pinkie while drinking tea in fine china. On the contrary I think a true lady is one who respects herself and others and walks not in the confidence of her outer beauty but her inner beauty! A true lady knows that she is a daughter of God, and does not measure success based on her outward appearance or her mustering of tangible items. How would you define a lady?

  3. I agree with you! As cliche as this is, I wholeheartedly believe that true beauty comes from within! I've seen the most attractive people quickly morph into monsters, and the most unattractive (by societal standards) be the most pleasant to be around.. The Bible tells us that charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, so a woman who fears the Lord is beautiful! When a woman, whose confidence is found in her body, fashion, accessories, college degree, popularity, relationship status, etc. etc. is stripped of all these temporary things, what is she left with? The intangible state of her heart. Only God can make a woman beautiful.

    Okay, so after writing all this, I realized we were discussing ladylikeness. Oops. Well, a lady is one who is beautiful, and beauty is a gift of God.
