Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week Five and Kentucky Trip

Week 5: Probably my favorite. Why? Because we got to study the book of Romans! The most studied, yet ignored, simple, yet complicated book of the Bible (my opinion). I loved it! It's the basic gospel message. And in the end it points to our foundation: Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross.

  Our teacher from Cleveland, Ohio. He is a man of passion. You can see how much he wishes us to understand and grab hold of the truth in the Scriptures. I loved that we actually opened up our Bibles in class. Sounds silly, but it was nice. I like not having notes printed out for me.

 Our dear Paul preached for the first time! Praise God! It was a touching message about our Jesus :) My favorite topic! I can't wait to see him preach in Rochester.

We had two presentations during week five. First was about Modern Christianity (my group) and the other was about Mormonism. A quote I thought was noteworthy by David Wilkerson: "God hates the LUKEWARM GOSPEL OF HALF-TRUTHS that is now spreading over the globe. This gospel says, 'Just believe in Jesus and you'll be saved. There's nothing more to it.' It ignores the whole counsel of God, which speaks of repenting from former sins, of taking up your cross, of being conformed to the image of Christ by the refining work of the Holy Spirit. It is totally silent about the reality of hell and an after-death judgment."

 It was our first bus trip with the 50-seat bus! It was so much fun!!

Oh yeah and half way to Kentucky the air conditioning inside the bus broke. The temperature reached just under 100 degrees. I think God was preparing us for the extreme conditions the missionary world. I am just glad that I am not too heat sensitive compared to others. Not bragging or anything, but I sleep under blankets no matter how high the temperature. Maybe I am destined to live in the Sub-African Sahara. Or Florida. Or on my own private island.

 First stop: Creation Museum!

Everything is based on God's word.

Noah's ark. There is so much at the museum, I would not be able to share it all with you.

Yes, dinosaurs too! Rawr!

The new part of the museum: all about bugs. So many different kinds of bugs. So grossly interesting. The guys really loved the bugs while most girls were pretty freaked out. They were all real bugs (not alive) and the only ones that scared me were the "mammoth" African Beetles or something. Those things were the size of my hand. Ew ew ew ew ew.

And the petting zoo. Look, it's a zorse! A zebra horse! Such a cool creature. Yes, I got to pet a zorse.

Then there are the chickens we got to pet. I think this picture is funny. Yaro has this super-compassionate look on his face while holding this chicken. Lol. I love chicken too. Fried chicken.

We are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ! This is our class motto for this year. Romans 1:16.

Then back on to the hot bus, singing songs, talking to each other about our favorite topic: dating and marriage haha.

At the end of the day, someone's gotta clean up. Looks like "Michael Motorcycle" doesn't mind too much.

So the trip was a success, praise God. This upcoming weekend we plan on visiting Cleveland, OH and Erie, PA. I am looking forward to everything. Guys, I am so glad I went to Bible school. God is so good! Now I am off to do some research for my paper! God bless y'all!

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