Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I'm one week in... I've been waiting for college for what felt like decades. High school had a tendency to drag... things were slow, trust was limited, taking responsibility was rare, laziness abounded! But through those years I learned more about myself, my world and my God! I'm so thankful for the hard times, because without going through them, I'd be a different person today. I'm thankful for the teachers who cared, for the friends who were there every morning, and for the people and organizations who funded my scholarships! If I could rememeber one thing about high school it would be that you had two choices- to flow with the river, or swim against the stream. There is no in the middle... It's the same everywhere. Stand and be couragous for our Savior, or... not.

(I'm not really sure where this post is leading, I meant to discuss my college experience thus far, but I'll save that for later.)

So I'll leave on a note of encouragement: Stand! Be couragous; for the One who is in us is greater than he who is in this world! Nothing is impossible with God! Stay in Him, continue praying, and never forget to listen for the trumpet blast that will soon resound to call us home!     

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!! You have encouraged me in this post more than you'll know. Thank you!!!! God bless you.
